Academic Excellence

A school curriculum must instill teachings that go beyond the classrooms. Vardhman International School follows internationally inspired teaching methodologies incorporating Indian Values and encouraging right academic mindset in our students.

  • Digital Enhanced Learning (Smart Classes).

  • Creative Curriculum Based On CBSE Pattern.

  • Learning Through Explorations And Research (100% participation).

  • Highly Qualified and Experienced Teachers.

  • Lecture by Guest Faculty and Eminent Scholars.

  • 3D Models, Simulation and Virtual Learning.

  • Interactive approach and problem solving.

  • Teacher and student ratio 1:15 and 1:30 for Pre-Primary and Primary respectively.

Effective Teaching


  • – Knowledge
  • – Attitude
  • – I.Q.
  • – Psychology
  • – Physical Strength
  • – Inclination
  • – Adaptability


  • – Lecture
  • – Interaction
  • – Visuals, Models
  • – Practical Aspects
  • – Teaching Aids
  • – Discipline
  • – Full Attention


  • – Subject Knowledge
  • – Presentation
  • – Speach & Visuals
  • – Personality
  • – Friendly, Open
  • – Authenticity
  • – Moral Values


Pre-Primary Wing


The Pre-primary wing have been innovatively designed to provide home-like atmosphere for imparting education under Montessori System and activity based learning program. It is recognized that the age from 2-6 years is the most impressionable period of child’s growth. Study materials are self-correcting, and this encourages children to feel a sense of accomplishment from the very beginning of their educational journey.

It Includes:

  • A variety of motivating and educational activities.

  • Individualized and small group lessons.

  • Peer-to-peer learning.

  • Lessons in cooperation and working together.

  • Field trips “in school” where community programs, such as firefighters, are invited into the classrooms


Primary Wing


The Primary wing opens its arms to the little learners who walk into our world with expectations and desires. It is our endeavour to facilitate them to develop as social beings by guiding them to interact and cooperate with each other.

  • Students are taught through Hi-Tech Learning Tool.

  • Fervent efforts are put forward to cater to the needs of every student.

  • Provides a learning environment to the children.

  • Offers a creative and imaginative platform for students.

Middle Wing


Students in the Middle School study core courses and electives that build on the skills learned in Primary school and that enable them to succeed in High school.

  • The middle school faculty recognizes that students are undergoing rapid changes in their social, academic, emotional, and physical development.

  • We help students to know the goals, interest and abilities through different aspects.

Therefore, a supportive environment where students learn to take leadership roles are cultivated.

Senior Wing


The role of a Senior School Educator here at Vardhman International School is that of a facilitator, nurturing the educative ability of the learners, and illuminating the possibility of unravelling multiple approaches to analysing a task at hand.

  • Discerning the significance of perspective building.

  • A senior school classroom at Vardhman International School, provides an open – ended manifesto of providing opinions and thinking comprehensively and thoroughly about a subject matter.

  • Various activities are designed round the year keeping in view the wholesome development of children in mind.

  • The aim is to equip learners with the skills and competencies required to face the challenges of the 21st century world, thereby preparing them for life.


A school curriculum must instill learning that goes beyond the classroom. With this motto, Vardhman International School has created a curriculum that incorporates Indian values and innovative teaching methodologies with consistent reporting strategies inclusive of constant rewards and recognition. School’s curriculum is designed with a focus on providing holistic education and academic excellence.
It concurrently nurtures and strengthens every child’s intellectual, physical, emotional and social well-being. It also emphasizes on analytical, instructional and innovative attributes of the individuals. To accomplish our mission and vision, our programs at all levels enable students to enjoy the learning process so they can easily identify and develop their interests while respecting the diversities around them.
School curriculum also acts as a tool for children of all ages to foster positive self-esteem, creativity and healthy competitive behavior.

Why it’s Important to Choose the Right Curriculum

A well-designed curriculum provides a strong foundation and gives the vision to understand the diversified world. It not only enables a child to get the education provided in the books but makes him a better learner who can acquire knowledge from every nook and corner, channelize it logically and act wisely with this acquired learning. As one of the top CBSE schools in Jaipur, we follow the updated CBSE program for our primary year to ensure their cerebral growth is fully fueled with the practical understanding that makes the transition from primary to middle and senior much smoother and impactful.
Throughout their educational journey, each student of our school is exposed to the ever-changing patterns and demands of future education. We are proud that our students not only excel in academics but also perform exceptionally in other aspects of development. The studies are not only limited to books and exams. The curriculum and the academic design of Vardhman International School inspire them to become ambitious yet stay grounded. We instill high standards of behavior, respect and grace in every student through various methods of teaching and training.

Advantages of CBSE Curriculum

One of the major reasons why Vardhman International School has CBSE as the board of education is that it is recognized by the government of India at a national level. With all the parameters set by the government across all grades, students have a swift understanding of the pattern and syllabus which help them compete for higher studies. We want our students to enjoy the learning; therefore the study pattern of our school ensures no pressure on children. Instead the hands-on teaching with practical makes the subjects more interesting to understand.
Our curriculum offers uniformity in education which helps the students in preparing for entrance exams such as IIT-JEE, NEET and others. Moreover, with the advancements in examination approaches, the academics of CBSE schools have greatly evolved to pace up with the international standards.

VIS Ensures Academic Excellence

We understand and embrace the changes happening around us. Vardhman International School is all set with technical advancements and teaching aids to ensure that nothing can stop students from achieving their academic goals. Since it’s our responsibility to provide them the best of education, learning and knowledge, the entire staff including teachers and administration is equipped with modern facilities to help children at all levels.